The Steiner Connection

Waldorf Inspired Parenting

Hi, I’m Erica. Qualified music teacher, Steiner alumna, wife and mama to an energetic toddler.

Living in Melbourne, Australia and currently studying Steiner Early Years Education.

Join me as we explore Waldorf parenting and Steiner education in the early years.

‘If a child has been able in his play to give up his whole loving being to the world around him, he will be able, in the serious tasks of later life, to devote himself with confidence and power to the service of the world.’

Rudolf Steiner

Spring Time Butterfly Craft

This craft activity is one that I have been putting together since last year, but with Spring upon us again, it felt like the right time to share it. This felt butterfly pairs beautifully with a transformation story about a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly is a story…

Seasonal Tables in the Waldorf Home

Attending a Steiner school as a child I was always in awe of the seasonal table. A small space in the classroom dedicated to celebrating the seasons and changes in nature. Everything was carefully selected; the colour of the cloth, the small figurines, a beeswax candle which was lit at story time and the many…

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