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Spring Time Butterfly Craft

This craft activity is one that I have been putting together since last year, but with Spring upon us again, it felt like the right time to share it. This felt butterfly pairs beautifully with a transformation story about a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly is a story…

Seasonal Tables in the Waldorf Home

Attending a Steiner school as a child I was always in awe of the seasonal table. A small space in the classroom dedicated to celebrating the seasons and changes in nature. Everything was carefully selected; the colour of the cloth, the small figurines, a beeswax candle which was lit at story time and the many…

Music in the Mood of the Fifth

If you have ever visited a Steiner playgroup or kindergarten you may have experienced music in the mood of the fifth. This style of Steiner music has an ethereal, expansive quality. It is thought to best reach children in their dream consciousness. This musical style is based on indications from Rudolf Steiner as to what…

A Quick Guide to Celebrating Spring with Young Children

There’s something special about the start of spring. The increasing morning light, growing activity of the birds and the butterflies emerging. Celebrating the seasons with our children can enrich their lives, as well as our own. Creating a theme for the season is one way in which to do that. These simple butterflies have tied…

Easy Card Making with Toddlers

Toddler Crafts | DIY Card Making I’m taking a break this week from our deep dive into the 12 senses to show you a recent card making activity with my toddler. I have been involving my 2.5 year old in birthday celebrations for a few months now. Before attending a birthday celebration we talk about…

The 12 Senses

Have you heard of the 12 senses? Steiner often spoke of the 12 senses in relation to healthy human development. Having a better understanding of these senses can help parents to support healthy childhood development. Read on to discover more… What are the 12 senses? According to anthroposophy, the 12 human senses are the way…


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